Facilities update + welcome back!

Facilities update + welcome back!

by Hannah Deans -
Number of replies: 0

Hi everyone, 

Thank you for your patience and understanding this week. We appreciate that the news about the water pipe damage was not how we all wanted to start the year! Please see the below update on the repairs, which we will continue to keep you informed about as they evolve. We’ve also included an update on the renovation work to give you a longer-term picture of the coming semester. 


School server (internet)

This was heavily damaged by water from the burst pipe. Work is being done to have this up and running again as soon as possible, but in the meantime hotspot solutions have been ordered and we aim to have these running by early to mid next week.

Heating and electricity

This is working again in all classrooms and spaces at Catalyst. 


New kitchen and social space

  • We’re very excited to let you know that our new kitchen is open for business with coffee & tea station, 2x microwaves, 1x oven, 4x fridges, 2x dishwashers and lots of new cups and forks 🎉🎉🎉


  • Fridges will be cleared of all perishable items, regardless of whether they’re labelled, every Sunday. Condiments etc can remain in the fridge. 
  • 2x portable cooktops with frying pan and pot are available to be booked from the Film Tech shop. These must be returned clean, with no cooking/food remains in the kitchen, otherwise you could be liable for a bookable-time ban.
  • Pics at the bottom to help navigate all the cupboards 👀

This is our shared community space, please treat this with respect and love and it will love you back! If you would like to organise a meet-up or activity in the new space, or have ideas to energise the space, please contact Samaquias@catalyst-berlin.com. #kitchenclub 

Ground floor toilets

  • Are now open. With heating 🤗

Co Lab 1 (Ground floor, behind the glass wall on your right as you enter. Old Co Mingle)

  • This classroom will not be in use until the new academic year in September.

Co Lab 2 (Ground floor, first door on your left as you enter through the glass doors)

  • Additional electrical work is required, but we aim to begin classes in this room from the week beginning 29 Jan. 


  • Classes will continue to be held in the Colours Office classroom until Co Lab 2 is ready for teaching. At that time, all classes previously scheduled on the timetable for Colours will be relocated to Co Lab 2.
  • We will re-confirm this change of location once the completion date is confirmed. 


  • Unfortunately delays with the ventilation installation means we cannot as yet supply a date the cinema will be usable for teaching. 

Etikett Radio 📻

  • The redesign of the booth will now take place in the summer, but for the remainder of the semester the original setup will be available for radio shows and bookable time (DJ booth).
  • Existing radio hosts: you have been contacted to schedule your shows and receive training on the new radio software (Airtime Pro)
  • If you are interested in hosting a show or holding a role coordinating the student-run station, please let us know by filling out this form
  • The room will be available for DJ booth bookings from Monday 29th Jan. 

While it was a bit of a bumpy return, it is as ever truly lovely to see you all. We have a lot of very cool events and opportunities lined up this semester, so please make sure you keep an eye on Moodle and your emails. Can’t wait to get amongst it with you all!

See you soon,


Kitchen  frisdges