Guest Session // FEST Masterclass

Guest Session // FEST Masterclass

by Hannah Deans -
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FEST - New Directors | New Films Festival are pleased to invite you to their masterclass: The Importance of Festivals in a Film Distribution Strategy - using the international film festival circuit to your advantage, lectured by Fernando Vasquez, Head of Programming at FEST.

When: Thursday 14th February, 14:00 
Where: CoMingle, dBs Berlin 

The masterclass attempts to provide a wide view of the international film festival circuit and how to best exploit the many opportunities available to up-and-coming filmmakers regarding the distribution of their work.

The session is divided in five separate phases:

1) Understanding the importance of participating and investing in film festivals
2) How to improve your chances of selection at film festivals
3) How to define a distribution strategy using the film festival circuit
4) Case study of a short film distribution strategy (with short film screening)
5) FEST – New Directors | New Films Festival presentation

This session is also open to other film schools visiting Berlin during Berlinale, so this is also an opportunity to meet and network with other young filmmakers. 

So we're aware of numbers, it's important to register. Please do so here:

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