Rebrand - The Big Listening!

Rebrand - The Big Listening!

by David Louis Puttick -
Number of replies: 0

I’d like to thank all of you for the passionate and wide ranging opinions, thoughts and feelings that you offered on our new name and branding. 

It was an absolute pleasure having the chance to talk with many of you and I am already wondering how I could make this happen more often. For those of you who do want to engage in conversation about our organisation and its ongoing development please watch this space. I’ll be coming back with some ideas soon.

Whilst the overall feedback really did stretch from one extreme to the other and everywhere in between, I was pleasantly surprised how positive the feedback was at this early stage in the process. All change is hard, but change around identity is especially so. Everyone applies their own meaning to a shared identity like a name or a brand and any change to that shared identity can challenge those personalised meanings we have created.

As a result of the feedback we have chosen to make four changes:-

  1. The ‘leadership’ word will be removed from the name. Although the feelings on this were also diverse there was an overall feeling that perhaps the word could create too much room for misinterpretation.
  2. The ‘Tech Arts’ school will be removed at this stage and the Visual FX course will remain within the film school. Consequently wherever the slashes representing the schools are used in the branding there will be three instead of four.
  3. The ‘Acting' school expressed a strong desire to take the colour of the ’Tech Arts’ school and this wish has now been granted! 
  4. The exact tones of the brand colours may continue to be tweaked in the next few weeks.

Wherever you may be in the world I wish you a wonderful, restful Christmas and a heartwarming start to your New Year.