MSVM Showcase

MSVM Showcase

by Samaquias Lorta -
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As If I Were Here

Saturday 11 May 14:00 - 20:00

Presented by students from the Music & Sound for Visual Media programme

Join us in celebrating the first-ever student exhibition presented by MSVM.

From "All the dumb things Kanye ever said" (a musical instrument) to meditations on the bounciness of hand made fish balls, MSVM students have drawn from the loudest and quietest voices in modern life. 

Their first-year collaborations work across media and across the Human-AI divide: progressing from sound walks to sleep-walking dreamscapes.

Showcasing video games, music direction for film, as well as multimedia installations, their ability to envision and simulate another world is a common thread and gives the show its title: "As If I Were There".

MSVM (Music and Sound Design for Visual Media) is a brand-new interdisciplinary program at Catalyst. The exhibition will take place in Catalyst's newly-renovated facilities at Funkhaus.

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Catalyst @ Funkhaus
Nalepastraße 18, 12459 Berlin
Saturday, May 11th 14h - 20h

As if I Were There - MSVM Showcase